Photographer: Vicky Lemus
A photograph of nothing is actually very difficult to comprehend but very easy to do. I could have chosen to take a picture of a dark room or a road with nothing in it. I wanted to be more creative I wanted to show something that is nothing physically, but is something. In this shot you see almost nothing but you can make out the background if you wanted you see water rising up from where is the question. I wanted to catch the water in stop action. I used a high shutter speed in this shot to be able to get the nice crisp look of the water almost crystallizing it as if it were ice. Getting this shot took about five tries in different shutter speeds I like how the background is out of focus and giving the picture a nice contrast in colors. Which gives the viewer not only a picture of water it gives it nothing but something all of the same time. So achieving a picture of nothing may be approached in different ways. The way I perceived it was water has no flavor and water is literally floating in air and air is considered nothing so it worked out for what I wanted to go for. Shooting nothing can also be difficult finding nothing to photograph is like think I have nothing to shoot. Nothing could be everywhere its where you find it that feels like the way to go about finding the right picture for what you are trying to achieve and that is what I did.